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Key messages coming out of the 2016 edition

Launch WEF/Global Alliance's 2016 Global Enabling Trade Report

news 2016

The Global Enabling Trade Report 2016 co-published by the World Economic Forum and the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation was released earlier today.


ICC is one of the three host organizations of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, along with the World Economic Forum and Center for International Private Enterprise. Together, with the governments of Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and United States, we aim to leverage our shared networks and resources to support effective trade facilitation reforms measured by real-world business metrics. It is in this context that the Alliance has co-published the 2016 report.

No investment without legal certainty: Yes to the Tax Reform

ICC Switzerland supports the Company Tax Reform III. It creates an internationally accepted taxation system and preserves the competitiveness of Switzerland as a business location, especially for mobile business segments of international corporations. The proposal is balanced and creates legal certainty. And without the envisaged new instruments, Switzerland loses ground against important competitors.


pdfICC media release - Yes to the tax reform27/06/2017, 18:25

Inside the Commodity Industry

The commodity industry has become an essential part of Switzerland’s economic success. Its net profit has reached 4 percent of Swiss GDP, surpassing tourism. This sector is under regulatory pressure and at the same time little is known about its functioning and importance.

event march 13

Insight into the revised ICC Arbitration Rules, 19 April 2017 in Zurich

event march may17

Afraid of lengthy arbitration procedures? The Revised ICC Rules of Arbitration in force since 1 March 2017, include new provisions on an expedited procedure for small claims, as well as some general amendments designed to streamline non-expedited cases, and provide greater transparency to the arbitration process.

Event 23 May 2017 - SDG’s 2030: Next steps of implementation in Switzerland

ICC Switzerland will organize an event on the Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals are defined by 169 targets at global level. The Swiss Government will start the reporting process by defining the Swiss implementation of the targets by a public online consultation in May/June 2017. This process will lead to a revised sustainable development agenda. It is therefore crucial that the business view is reflected in the consultation process.

sdg goals

Annual Assembly 2017

On behalf of our Chairman Thomas Wellauer, we are pleased to invite you to our Annual Assembly 2017.

annual assembly 2017

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ICC Switzerland
Hegibachstrasse 47
8032 Zurich


Phone +41 44 421 34 50